banned medicines and dr prasoon

Avoid these 14 Medicines Banned in India

This is Dr. Prasoon from Dofody, bringing you crucial health updates. In 2023, the Government of India took a significant step by banning 14 medicines due to their adverse effects and potential health risks. Despite this ban, these medicines are still available in various parts of the country, including popular online pharmacies. It’s alarming to see these potentially harmful drugs still in circulation.

Among these banned medicines are commonly used cough syrups, painkillers, and medications frequently prescribed for the elderly. Continuing to use these drugs can lead to serious health complications. As responsible citizens, it’s vital to stay informed and avoid these medicines to safeguard our health and that of our loved ones.

To help you stay informed, I’ve compiled a list of all the banned medicines. You can download the complete list here.

Watch this YouTube video in Malayalam to get a better picture on this topic!

Stay healthy and informed!

Dr. Prasoon

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