Do You Know the Benefits & Side Effects of Neurobion Forte? ๐Ÿฉบ Malayalam

dr prasoon with neurobion forte tablets

Neurobion forte is one of the most popular multivitamins in the world. It’s primarily a B complex vitamin reparation along with Calcium and other minerals. Hey, I am Dr Prasoon. This is a Malayalam video about neurobion forte, its benefits, side effects, dose, drug interactions, and safety. If you are planning to buy a Neurobion … Read more Do You Know the Benefits & Side Effects of Neurobion Forte? ๐Ÿฉบ Malayalam

Covishield vs Covaxin | Which Covid Vaccine is Best for You? | Video

Covaxin vs Covishield

Hai guys, I am Doctor prasoon. The government of India has distributed two vaccines. The Covaxin and other one is Covishield. I have already made a video about Covishield, if you havenโ€™t watch the video, click here to watch that video. In this video, I am talking the difference between Covaxin and Covishield. This video … Read more Covishield vs Covaxin | Which Covid Vaccine is Best for You? | Video

5 Mistakes in Diabetes that every Diabetic Patient should Avoid | Prevent Diabetes foot & neuropathy | Video

5 Mistakes in Diabetes that every Diabetic Patient should Avoid

Hey, what’s up? I am Doctor prasoon. If you are a person with diabetes, you will be getting lot of advice for free. Advice from your doctors, from your family members, and from your friends, and because of the same reason, you tempted to make a lot of mistakes. But in this article, I’m going … Read more 5 Mistakes in Diabetes that every Diabetic Patient should Avoid | Prevent Diabetes foot & neuropathy | Video

5 Best Ways to Prevent Asthma Attack | Beat the Asthma Triggers & Use Inhalers | Doctor Prasoon – Video

prevent asthma

Hey, what’s up? Doctor Prasoon here. If someone in your family is suffering from asthma, you might be knowing that a sudden attack of asthma can be devastating. It can be frightening and it often requires hospitalization. It will cost you in thousands and it will also waste your time, and in some instances, it … Read more 5 Best Ways to Prevent Asthma Attack | Beat the Asthma Triggers & Use Inhalers | Doctor Prasoon – Video

Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) vs Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) | Doctor Prasoon – Video

polio vaccine,ipv and opv

Hey guys, what’s up? I am Dr. Prasoon here. Pulse Polio immunization program is on the verge and it is coming up on the 19th of January this year. So why are we still giving oral polio vaccines? what are the difference between oral polio vaccine and the inactivated polio vaccine? which one is better … Read more Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) vs Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) | Doctor Prasoon – Video

How to Make Your Own First Aid Box | Home Remedies from Online Doctors | Doctor Prasoon | Video

First aid box

Hey, what’s up I am dr. Prasoon. Unexpected injuries and accidents are lurking in our lives ready to happen anytime anywhere. It can happen in the comforts of your home your kitchen or even in your office, and when such an accident or an injury happens, you should be ready to handle it, and for … Read more How to Make Your Own First Aid Box | Home Remedies from Online Doctors | Doctor Prasoon | Video

7 Reasons Why Your Monthly Menstrual Period is Getting Delayed | Video

Delayed periods

Hi friends, I’m Dr. Prasoon. Women have been getting super anxious for the last couple of months, especially since the COVID Lockdown, because their menstrual periods are getting delayed. There are 7 common reasons why menstruation can be delayed. So, if you have been searching for the reasons behind your periods getting delayed! You have … Read more 7 Reasons Why Your Monthly Menstrual Period is Getting Delayed | Video

Do You Have These 5 Essential Medicines in Your Home? | Doctor Prasoon | Video

Essential Medicines in Your Home

Hey guys, what are the medicines that you should be keeping in your home? Many persons have asked me this question and in this video, I am going to tell you which medicines you should be stocking up in your home medicine cabinet. I am doctor Prasoon and this is Dofody, so let’s get started. … Read more Do You Have These 5 Essential Medicines in Your Home? | Doctor Prasoon | Video

3 Mistakes India is Making that could Prove Costly in the Covid-19 Battle | Doctor Prasoon | Video

India's mistakes in covid fight

Hey guys, India is fighting COVID-19 and in this battle against COVID-19 mistakes could be very costly. So what are the three mistakes that India needs to avoid in order to win this battle? That’s coming up in this video, I am doctor prasoon and this is Dofody. So let’s get started. ย  We are … Read more 3 Mistakes India is Making that could Prove Costly in the Covid-19 Battle | Doctor Prasoon | Video

How COVID-19 & You Can Protect your Children From Catching Infections & Cold at School | Video | Doctor Prasoon

protect child from infection

Hey what’s up, I am doctor Prasoon here! COVID-19 has brought with it many stages to our world and schooling at home or small children is only one among them. But, this change has helped to protect children from the common cold and other infections that they otherwise get from their school. We are in … Read more How COVID-19 & You Can Protect your Children From Catching Infections & Cold at School | Video | Doctor Prasoon

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