The Best Palliative Care You’ve Ever Experienced!

Why you need a Palliative care doctor’s advice?                palliative patient on wheelchair

Palliative care is a separate field of care and that requires expertise. Listening to the patient’s needs and thinking out of the box to offer the best possible care for them is an art that needs to be mastered.

Only a doctor trained to deliver palliative care services can understand the patient’s special needs. They think standing in the patient’s shoes.

A palliative care nurse can definitely help you with daily dressing, physical and mental supports, but when it comes to the actual care, it is the palliative care doctor who can make the best right decisions for you.


Video Call                               Palliative care Online

Yes! You heard it right. It has been happening for a while now and here at Dofody, we are finally ready to offer the best palliative care that you can get in India! And the best thing is that you don’t have to visit any hospital for this. You can sit in your home and talk to Palliative care specialist doctors including Dr. Prasoon using the Dofody app. All you need is a good internet connection!

Here are some use cases and stories of real patients who have benefited from online palliative care services.

You’ll get step by step instructions for consulting palliative care doctor, after submitting this form.

*Dofody App is Currently available only in India. so if you want to still connect with a palliative doctor, ping us on WhatsApp (save the contact +91 8100 77 11 99)

*No! Palliative care is not just end of life care it should actually be started with a curative treatment.