9 Health Hacks to Stay Healthy in India | Proven Health Tips to Prevent Diseases | Video

healthy india

  Hey, what’s up! Dr. Prasoon here. An average Indian spends around thirty-three thousand rupees for his health expenses. staying healthy in India is a challenge and in this video I have some tips for you. which will keep you healthy, protect you from infections and even diseases like cancers. This is Dofody the best … Read more 9 Health Hacks to Stay Healthy in India | Proven Health Tips to Prevent Diseases | Video

Keto Diet | Risk vs Benefits | Does Doctors Recommend Keto Diet?- Video

  Hey what’s up.! I am Dr. prasoon here.ketogenic diet or keto diet. There is a huge hype around it. so what is ketogenic diet? What are its uses? Is it good or bad for you? how does keto diet work? and do I recommend a keto diet to my patients?  That’s coming up in … Read more Keto Diet | Risk vs Benefits | Does Doctors Recommend Keto Diet?- Video

5 Cool Ways to Reduce Mobile Phone Radiation | Can Cell Phone Radiations Cause Cancer-Video

mobile radiation

Hey, what’s up? doctor prasoon here. I get this question very often from my patients – “Is mobile phone radiation harmful? well, mobile phone radiation and overuse of mobile phones cause brain cancer? “ If you are really worried about mobile phone radiations, there are certain things that you can do. You will get all … Read more 5 Cool Ways to Reduce Mobile Phone Radiation | Can Cell Phone Radiations Cause Cancer-Video

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