Electronic Medical Records, photo

How secure is your Medical Records in Dofody?

Patients who consult a doctor using Dofody can submit medical documents/records for the purpose of viewing or  reviewing the patients  illness. Such medical records are useful for the consulting doctor in  order to verify the patients past history or even current history to give an accurate prescription or advises  for the patient. For patients, the medical records are important because it gives the future health provider all the required data about the patient for the treatment. This is particularly relevant considering the fact that the patient may not always consult the doctor or hospital every single time. In the past, these medical records were stored in paper form sometimes laminated and often in huge paper files. The chances of losing and misplacing such files and records are high. At the time of the next doctor’s appointment, you might not want to spend time searching for that file which had all your medical records since birth! This is where electronic medical records (EMR) comes to the limelight.

At Dofody, patients have the power to store their medical records in digital or electronic formats. In order to know how to submit relevant medical records in Dofody please click this link. In this article you’ll learn what electronic medical records are, its benefits and how safe they are stored at Dofody.

Electronic medical records are the digital equivalent of paper records, or charts at a clinician’s office. The Electronic medical records can include medical history  such as surgical history, obstetric history, medications, medical allergies, family history, social history, habits, immunization history and medical encounters such as complaints, history of present illness, physical examination, assessment and plan, orders , test results and other information.  By implementing electronic medical records, patients data can be tracked over an extended period of time.  It can help identify those who are due for preventive checkups and screenings and monitor how each patient measures up to certain requirements like vaccinations and blood pressure readings.

Using EMR systems, patients can quickly and easily receive electronic copies of their healthcare information upon request.  The decision to use an EMR system instead of paper records can result in a positive return on your financial investment, according to a study published in The American Journal of Medicine. In the study, providers saved on drug expenditure, improved efficiency in radio-logic diagnostics, upgraded the recording and reporting of billing services, and decreased billing errors.

patient, electronic medical record

All of Dofody’s medical records are stored in cloud computer, where they are easily stored and retrieved with ease. Storing information in cloud services has its benefits. Hospital of all sizes, geographies, and industries are turning to cloud services.

Simply put, cloud computing is computing based on the internet. In the past, people would run applications or programs from software downloaded on a physical computer or server in their building. Cloud computing allows people access to the same kinds of applications through the internet. Dofody uses Amazon Web Services to host its website and all the patient’s electronic medical records. Now, AWS is by far the best and most secure cloud storage provider in the whole planet.  Of course, there may arise skepticism over the safety and security of storing information in cloud. So how safe are the electronic medical records?


Cloud enables you complete visibility and control over your data. You can easily decide which users have what level of access to what data. This gives you control, but it also streamlines work since staff will easily know what documents are assigned to them. Only the patients and the consulting doctor with whom the patient has chosen to consult can view the medical records.

Every company who uses a cloud storage service should be able to answer these three questions:

  • Who has access to which files and when?
  • How can we monitor for key file changes?
  • Will we be notified in a timely manner when something anomalous occurs?

AWS, Logo

By using AWS, Dofody can confidently give positive answers to the above questions. Coming to the security features of AWS, here is a list of industry leading security features:

  • Network firewalls built into Amazon VPC, and web application firewall capabilities in AWS WAF let you create private networks, and control access to your instances and applications
  • Encryption in transit with TLS across all services
  • Connectivity options that enable private, or dedicated, connections.
  • Availability is of paramount importance in the cloud.
  • Data encryption.
  • Flexible key management
  • Encrypted messages
  • Dedicated, hardware-based cryptographic key storage
  • Inventory configuration
  • Monitoring and logging
  • Identity and access control
  • Penetrations testing

Don’t bother about all the above mentioned security features, as a patient all you need to know is that your data including medical records is accessible only to you and to the doctor whom you choose to consult. Even Dofody can’t access your medical records, period.

As  a doctor, you can confidently prescribe online using the prescription tools provided in Dofody and these prescriptions will be accessed by the patients only.

Thats it. Hope you have understood the lengths to which Dofody goes to make your data and medical records secure. If you still have any other questions, simply ask in the comments section below.

Getting started with Dofody is really simple, all you need to do is visit the registration page and fill the form in which may take 10 seconds!.







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